Our Services
M.A.C. provides acoustics consultancy services in architectural, building, environmental and industrial acoustics, noise and vibration control and electro-acoustic.
M.A.C. offers specialist advice ranging from initial design, specification and project management, to prediction and measurement for remedial sound engineering solutions.
M.A.C. adopts practical and systematic approach to a wide range of acoustics issues, resolving them by prevention or cure. Our acoustics consultants have the ability to rapidly and accurately analysis, design and specify cost-effective resolutions for challenging acoustics related issues.
provides the following services
acoustics related services
Acoustic consultancy services
- Architectural, building, environmental and industrial acoustics
- Noise and vibration control
- Electro-acoustic design in studio, theatre, concert hall, cinema,
multipurpose performance hall and free field (outdoor stadium)
Design and management services
- Design and specification with simulations on sound propagation
by computer applications (Odeon, Zorba, Insul and EASE etc.)
- Prediction by design
- Verification by measurement
- Project management
Remedial solutions on challenging acoustics issues
- Analysis the issues with practical and systematic approach
-On site acoustical parameters measurement complied with ISO3382
- Design and specify cost-effective resolutions